Neocities / Hodgepodge / Programming / RapidQ Ohms

(this is just a screenshot; code is below that)

The icon you'll need when compiling:
 (save image as ohm.ico)

The code (ohm.bas):
' cut/paste into text editor and save as "ohm.bas" ' then compile with RapidQ BASIC ' Georg Simon Ohm in a Can ' Ohm's law quick calculator ' (for convenience, so as not to have to do the math yourself) ' ported (with much editing) from my OLD version ' which was written using VB3. $RESOURCE ohmicon as "ohm.ico" ' GET THE ICON TOO declare sub enter_Change declare Function ext (ByVal z As Double) As String declare Function extohm (ByVal z As Double) As String declare Sub go () declare Function reduc (ByVal z As Double) As String declare Sub showit () declare sub command1_click DECLARE FUNCTION SetFocus LIB "User32" ALIAS "SetFocus" (hwnd AS LONG) AS LONG ' No need for "setwindowlong" because it doesn't even have a minimize button const fcolr = &HC0F0D0 ' form's background const lcolr = &HC0F0D0 ' color for labels const kcolr = &HC0F0D0 ' key labels const rcolr = &HC0F0D0 ' results boxes const ecolr = &HF0F0C0 ' the edit box create bf as qfont addstyles(0) ' 0 is BOLD end create create ohmform as qform Color = fcolr BorderStyle = 3 'fixed double Caption = "Georg Simon Ohm in a Can" Height = 240 Left = 225 Width = 420 Top = 169 ' the column of labels on the left create label3 as qlabel Alignment = 1 'Right Justify Font = bf Color = lcolr Caption = "Type here->" Height = 20 Left = 6 Top = 6 Width = 143 End create create label2 as qlabel Alignment = 1 'Right Justify Font = bf Color = lcolr Caption = "Horsepower :" Height = 20 Left = 6 Top = 36 Width = 143 End create create label4 as qlabel Alignment = 1 'Right Justify Font = bf Color = lcolr Caption = "Power (watts) :" Height = 20 Left = 6 Top = 66 Width = 143 End create create label5 as qlabel Alignment = 1 'Right Justify Font = bf Color = lcolr Caption = "Resistance :" Height = 20 Left = 6 Top = 96 Width = 143 End create create label7 as qlabel Alignment = 1 'Right Justify Font = bf Color = lcolr Caption = "Voltage :" Height = 20 Left = 6 Top = 126 Width = 143 End create create label6 as qlabel Alignment = 1 'Right Justify Font = bf Color = lcolr Caption = "Current (dc or 1phase) :" Height = 20 Left = 6 Top = 156 Width = 143 End create create label1 as qlabel Alignment = 1 'Right Justify Font = bf Color = lcolr Caption = "Current (if 3-phase) :" Height = 20 Left = 6 Top = 186 Width = 143 End create ' the edit box create enter as qedit Color = ecolr Font = bf Height = 20 Left = 165 Top = 6 Width = 160 OnChange = enter_Change End create create command1 as qbutton Height = 20 Font = bf Width = 30 top = 6 left = 340 caption = "?" onclick = command1_click end create ' and below that, the results boxes create lhp as qlabel Font = bf Autosize = 0 Caption = "" Color = rcolr Height = 20 Left = 165 Top = 36 Width = 200 End create create lwatt as qlabel Autosize = 0 Caption = "" Color = rcolr Font = bf Height = 20 Left = 165 Top = 66 Width = 200 End create create lohm as qlabel Autosize = 0 Caption = "" Color = rcolr Height = 20 Font = bf Left = 165 Top = 96 Width = 200 End create create lvolt as qlabel Autosize = 0 Caption = "" Color = rcolr Font = bf Height = 20 Left = 165 Top = 126 Width = 200 End create create lamp as qlabel Autosize = 0 Caption = "" Font = bf Color = rcolr Height = 20 Left = 165 Top = 156 Width = 200 End create create lcperphase as qlabel Autosize = 0 Caption = "" Font = bf Color = rcolr Height = 20 Left = 165 Top = 186 Width = 200 End create ' at far right, the labels showing what keys to hit create lk2 as qlabel Alignment = 2 'Center Font = bf Color = kcolr Caption = "key" Height = 20 Left = 380 Top = 6 Width = 25 End create create lk8 as qlabel Alignment = 2 'Center Font = bf Color = kcolr Caption = "h" Height = 20 Left = 380 Top = 36 Width = 25 End create create lk7 as qlabel Alignment = 2 'Center Font = bf Color = kcolr Caption = "w" Height = 20 Left = 380 Top = 66 Width = 25 End create create lk6 as qlabel Alignment = 2 'Center Color = kcolr Font = bf Caption = "o" Height = 20 Left = 380 Top = 96 Width = 25 End create create lk5 as qlabel Alignment = 2 'Center Color = kcolr Caption = "v" Font = bf Height = 20 Left = 380 Top = 126 Width = 25 End create create lk4 as qlabel Alignment = 2 'Center Color = kcolr Font = bf Caption = "a" Height = 20 Left = 380 Top = 156 Width = 25 End create create lk3 as qlabel Alignment = 2 'Center Color = kcolr Font = bf Caption = "p" Height = 20 Left = 380 Top = 186 Width = 25 End create End create Dim n As Double Dim p As Double Dim r As Double Dim v As Double Dim i As Double Dim ip As Double Dim hp As Double Dim unit As Double Sub Command1_Click () cr$ = Chr$(13) + Chr$(10) s$ = "Ohm's law quick calculator" + cr$ s$ = s$ + "" + cr$ + cr$ s$ = s$ + "Calculates voltage, current, resistance, and wattage." + cr$ s$ = s$ + "Type in any 2 of these, and it will calculate the others." + cr$ + cr$ s$ = s$ + "End your entry with any of the following keys:" + cr$ s$ = s$ + "v (for volts), a (for amps), w (for watts), o (for ohms), h (for horsepower), p (amps per phase)" + cr$ + cr$ s$ = s$ + "Metric prefixes are as such:" + cr$ s$ = s$ + "m: milli u: micro k: kilo M: mega (capital M)" + cr$ + cr$ s$ = s$ + "Press c to clear" messagebox (s$, "OHM", 0) SetFocus(enter.handle) End Sub Sub enter_Change () n = Val(enter.text) if len(enter.text)>0 then s$=right$(enter.text,1) else s$="" If s$ = "c" Or (lhp.caption > "" And lamp.caption > "" And lvolt.caption > "" And lwatt.caption > "" And lohm.caption > "") Then lamp.caption = "" lcperphase.caption = "" lvolt.caption = "" lohm.caption = "" lwatt.caption = "" lhp.caption = "" If s$ = "c" Then enter.text = "" Exit Sub End If If s$ = "M" Then unit = 1000000# If s$ = "K" Or s$ = "k" Then unit = 1000 If s$ = "m" Then unit = 1 / 1000 If s$ = "u" Then unit = 1 / 1000000# s$ = UCase$(s$) If s$ = "W" Then lhp.caption = "": p = n * unit: lwatt.caption = reduc(p) + ext(p) + "watts": go(): unit = 1 If s$ = "O" Then r = n * unit: lohm.caption = reduc(r) + extohm(r) + "ohms": go(): unit = 1 If s$ = "V" Then v = n * unit: lvolt.caption = reduc(v) + ext(v) + "volts": go(): keyascii = 0: unit = 1 If s$ = "A" Then lcperphase.caption = "": i = n * unit: lamp.caption = reduc(i) + ext(i) + "amps": go(): unit = 1 If s$ = "P" Then lamp.caption = "": ip = n * unit: lcperphase.caption = reduc(ip) + ext(ip) + "amps/phase": go(): unit = 1 If s$ = "H" Then lwatt.caption = "": hp = n * unit: lhp.caption = Str$(hp) + " hp": go(): unit = 1 End Sub Function ext (ByVal z As Double) As String If z >= 1000000# Then z = z / 1000000#: e$ = "Mega" ElseIf z >= 1000 Then z = z / 1000: e$ = "Kilo" ElseIf z < .001 Then z = z * 1000000: e$ = "Micro" ElseIf z < 1 Then z = z * 1000: e$ = "Milli" Else e$ = "" End If ext = " " + e$ End Function Function extohm (ByVal z As Double) As String If z >= 1000000# Then z = z / 1000000#: e$ = "Meg" ElseIf z >= 1000 Then z = z / 1000: e$ = "K " ElseIf z < .001 Then z = z * 1000000#: e$ = "Micro" ElseIf z < 1 Then z = z * 1000: e$ = "Milli" Else e$ = "" End If extohm = " " + e$ End Function Sub go () enter.text = "" ' given only watts, so far, just calc hp If lwatt.caption > "" And lhp.caption = "" Then lhp.caption = Str$(p / 746) & " hp" ' given hp but not watts If lhp.caption > "" And lwatt.caption = "" Then p = (hp * 746): lwatt.caption = reduc(p) & ext(p) + "watts" ' given only amps, so far, just calc amps/phase If lamp.caption > "" And lcperphase.caption = "" Then ip = i / Sqr(3): lcperphase.caption = reduc(ip) & ext(ip) & "amps/phase" ' given hp but not watts If lcperphase.caption > "" And lamp.caption = "" Then i = ip * Sqr(3): lamp.caption = reduc(i) & ext(i) & "amps" ' given volts and amps, derive Ohms and watts If lvolt.caption > "" And lamp.caption > "" Then r = v / i: p = v * i lwatt.caption = reduc(p) & ext(p) & "watts" lhp.caption = Str$(p / 746) & "hp" lohm.caption = reduc(r) & extohm(r) & "ohms" Exit Sub End If ' given volts and ohms, derive amps and watts If lvolt.caption > "" And lohm.caption > "" Then i = v / r: p = v * i: ip = i / Sqr(3) lwatt.caption = reduc(p) & ext(p) & "watts" lhp.caption = Str$(p / 746) & "hp" lamp.caption = reduc(i) & ext(i) & "amps" lcperphase.caption = reduc(ip) & ext(ip) & "amps/phase" Exit Sub End If ' given ohms and amps, ... If lamp.caption > "" And lohm.caption > "" Then v = i * r: p = v * i lwatt.caption = reduc(p) & ext(p) & "watts" lhp.caption = Str$(p / 746) & "hp" lvolt.caption = reduc(v) & ext(v) & "volts" Exit Sub End If ' given watts and volts... If lwatt.caption > "" And lvolt.caption > "" Then lhp.caption = Str$(p / 746) & "hp" i = p / v: r = v / i: ip = i / Sqr(3) lamp.caption = reduc(i) & ext(i) & "amps" lohm.caption = reduc(r) & extohm(r) & "ohms" lcperphase.caption = reduc(ip) & ext(ip) & "amps/phase" Exit Sub End If ' given watts and amps... If lwatt.caption > "" And lamp.caption > "" Then lhp.caption = Str$(p / 746) & "hp" v = p / i: r = v / i lohm.caption = reduc(r) & extohm(r) & "ohms" lvolt.caption = reduc(v) & ext(v) & "volts" Exit Sub End If ' given watts and ohms... If lwatt.caption > "" And lohm.caption > "" Then v = Sqr(p * r): i = Sqr(p / r): ip = i / Sqr(3) lvolt.caption = reduc(v) & ext(v) & "volts" lamp.caption = reduc(i) & ext(i) & "amps" lcperphase.caption = reduc(ip) & ext(ip) & "amps/phase" Exit Sub End If End Sub Function reduc (ByVal z As Double) As String If z >= 1000000# Then z = z / 1000000# ElseIf z >= 1000 Then z = z / 1000 ElseIf z < .001 Then z = z * 1000000# ElseIf z < 1 Then z = z * 1000 End If reduc = Str$(z) End Function Sub showit () lvolt.caption = ext(v) & Str$(v) End Sub unit = 1 ohmform.icohandle = ohmicon application.icohandle = ohmicon ohmform.showmodal